This morning my dear friend Avi introduced me to a nifty website called The Sporkful. It was started by two former NPR dudes (and I do mean dudes) as a podcast and blog about food. As they put it, it’s “not so much about cooking or recipes or restaurants” but rather a place to “discuss, debate, and obsess over the most ridiculous food-related minutiae.” And all this in a quest to “eat more awesomely”.
The latest episode features Rachel Maddow discussing “Cocktail Philosophy”.
Check it out:
In other news, Spork is on Kirkus Reviews’ list of 2010 Best Children’s Books. It’s in the category of “Picture Books to Make You Think”. The list includes 13 Words, Mimi’s Dada Catifesto and the beautiful Art & Max. Gotta love that heady kids lit.